Meet Bob on Zoom

I may be a long way from you, but modern technology has changed our lives and how we do almost everything.

Now-a-days we can communicate easily, clearly, and accurately on Zoom any time we want. It is certainly not face-to face, nor eyeball-to-eyeball, but it sure comes close. I teach Art on Zoom Saturday mornings, so I know from experience how close it does come.

If you hire me, you will be able to see just what I have done on my drawing board for you and where I’m at with your project. Questions are easily stated and easily answered.

And it’s easy for me to share with you ideas that may enhance the practicality and beauty of your project as I am both a fine architectural designer ( I studied architectural design at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn ), as well as an accomplished renderer.

Also, I can teach you on Zoom how to make your architectural and interior sketches better than ever, and even teach you how to render your presentations drawings better. And I am willing to give you two free lessons to show you how well it can all come together for you.

Please don’t write me off just because I am not standing beside you in your office. That would not be fair to either of us.